Bumper Cars + Basketball + Lacrosse
The ultimate alternative sport.
Perfect for everyone, regardless of athletic ability.
WhirlyBall Court Rental:
$229/ court for 1 hour
WhirlyBall is the most fun you can have going 4 miles an hour! Combining lacrosse, hockey, basketball, and bumper cars, everyone is sure to have a blast!
The object of the game is simple: Score points by either hitting the backboard or lighting up the net. Points can also be awarded for penalties, so make sure you pay close attention during our rule video! If you want to show up looking like a pro, you can check out our rules guide here.
With each hour booking you are able to fit in 4 games.
We are positive by the end you will get the hang of it and be hooked!
Price is a flat fee for the court for the hour
2 courts available for rent
Want even more WhirlyBall?
Believe it or not, WhirlyBall is played across the country and has a lively community of enthusiasts.
Learn more about league play here.